середа, 29 липня 2015 р.

Ruta (english)

Just admit it to me. 
You’re controlling my feelings. 
Though my heart was in pain 
With your spell it is healing. 
In the forest you knew 
Of the midsummer flower 
That when kissed by the sun 
Has a magical power. 

Please don’t go searching 
For the red bloom this evening 
For the love that I have for you 
Is true and free. 
Just as the rivers 
Of the mountains are givers 
Of clean water; 
You’ve given life to me. 

As you visit my dreams 
In the green glades of summer 
You are coming to me 
As you would to a lover 
And you don’t need to give 
Me a flower or a potion 
I shall always be here 
You have all my devotion. 

Please don’t go searching 
For the red bloom this evening 
For the love that I have for you 
Is true and free. 
Just as the rivers 
Of the mountains are givers 
Of clean water; 
You’ve given life to me. 

©Volodymyr Ivasiuk 1949 -1979 RIP. 
Composer, & pop icon in Soviet pre independence Ukraine. 
Murdered by the KGB for “being too Ukrainian” 
Killers never brought to justice. 

English adaptation / translation 
Stepan “Ludwig” Pasicznyk 
England 24/07/2007

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